The Case For Exorcism

In this modern enlightened world, many people insist that belief in the paranormal—including belief in God—is ridiculous and indicative of the adherent’s superstitious and ignorant mind set. This general consensus can be found by perusing the various forums on the internet, which are frequented by militant atheists. And when I say militant atheists, I am not being judgmental or seeking to cast an aspersion on this demographic, but rather I am simply seeking to describe them as those who do not believe in God (or the Devil and his minions for that matter) as well as they are characteristically very antagonistic in making their case (i.e. militant), the debate usually resulting in tactics Ad Hominem. At the time of this writing, their favorite slur is to insist that any person of faith is childish, superstitious and therefore un-enlightened, characterizing the religious, the people of various faiths, as believers in fairy tales.

They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god (the devil) of this world

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St. Michael The Archangel: Defend Us

The Arch Angel Michael is mentioned three times in the Book of Daniel, once as a “great prince who stands up for the children of your people”. The idea that Michael was the advocate of the Jews became so prevalent that in spite of the rabbinical prohibition against appealing to angels as intermediaries between God and his people, Michael came to occupy a certain place in the Jewish liturgy. Continue reading

Demonic Possession in the Bible

Literal cases of Possession, Or Simply Cases of Epilepsy and Other Conditions?

Traditionally the subject of demonic possession and exorcism has been justified and given credibility by passages found in the Gospels. In this modern era, however, many people dismiss Biblical accounts of demon possession claiming that due to lack of understanding of mental conditions by the primitive people of the day, those innocents that Christ exorcised were not in fact possessed by demons but rather simply suffering from mental disease.  However a careful study of the Bible reveals Continue reading

My Imaginary Friend

A Bizarre But True Story Of One Woman’s Battle With Demonic Forces.

It wasn’t long after Mom and I moved in with Grand Mother in 1999, that Daren came into my life, perhaps it was the stress of living with the old woman that made him so attractive to me.   Grand Mother was many things, cruel, obsessive, demanding, controlling, however empathetic, kind, or nurturing was concepts totally foreign to her.  In retrospect, I understand why Mom turned out the way she did, after being raised up by that old witch.

Every evening was the same; I would get home from school, go upstairs to my room Continue reading