Satan Is Real – I Have Met It

If it is true, as Baudelaire suggests, that the Devil’s cleverest wile is to convince us that he does not exist, … I now know that Satan is real. I have met it.
M. Scott Peck, who said the above, was a noted psychiatrist and author who–like many of his peers–recognized that what appeared to be mental illness, was in some cases actually–something far worse and totally bizarre–actual demonic oppression or possession.
Books that describe possessions which are authored by clergy from within the Roman Catholic church, are often dismissed, the conventional wisdom being that these authors are backward and superstitious like their predecessors of the middle ages were, however this is far from the truth as many of these priests are highly educated with degrees in psychology or other sciences and prior to having a first hand experience with the paranormal, were prone to dismiss any talk of demonic activities as naught but superstitious nonsense.  But after meeting Satan or one of his minions–face to face-these Priests have now adopted a totally different perspective.
And now, with leading psychologists announcing that in their opinion, some of their patients are dealing with something more than conventional psycho-pathological illness, something out of a horror movie such as the classic movie, The Exorcist; and these men and women are agreeing with Peck;
I now know that Satan is real. I have met it.
In many circle, it is no longer a social faux pas to admit the existence of Satan, although many ministers still prefer now to give too much attention to the subject.  Worldwide the number of Exorcisms performed annually have increased by hundreds of  percent if not thousands, in some regions, the clients seeing their priests like we see our dentists or analysts.

Exorcism In Contemporary Culture

Mention The Rite Of Exorcism in a crowd and many people will automatically think of movies such as The Exorcist 1973 or The Rite 2011; a more motion picture.  Both pictures claim to be based on true events; The Exorcist on the case of Robbie Mannheim in 1949 [1] and The Rite on events described in the book: The Rite: The Making Of A Modern Exorcist,  a non-fiction work by Matt Baglio, but while many people believe that events as described in the movies and book are fictional, there is actual historical basis for these depictions, empirical evidence that contributes to the credibility of the subject of demonic possession.

In 2004 the Continue reading

Exorcism: Is This For Real?

Most Americans have at one time or another watched a movie depicting a person— possessed by a demonic spirit—in the process of being “Exorcised.” The most famous of these motion pictures, “The Exorcist,” [1] was released theatrically in the United States by Warner Brothers on December 26, 1973, and was generally acclaimed to be the Scariest Movie Of All Time. Well in those days The Exorcist was certainly scary however during the intervening forty years, various movies have been released whose fear factor met or exceeded the ’73 standard for the scariest movie ever produced. Continue reading